As It Happens: Tuesday Edition

Part One
Sex offender parent
A 19-year-old Indiana man had sex with a young woman who told him she was 17, but was actually 14 -- and for that, the state will put him on the sex offender registry... after he gets out of jail.
Evolve Festival drug testing
A Nova Scotia music festival offers to test people's drugs -- including LSD -- as a harm-reduction measure -- but the insurance company finds that idea a really bad trip.
University of Toronto vaccine report
Critics are furious when the University of Toronto stands behind an instructor whose course teaches that vaccines can be toxic.
Part Two
Vanishing birds mystery
Seahorse Key, off Florida's Gulf Coast, is usually home to thousands of birds -- but now, mysteriously, they've all left at once.
Milan Holocaust Museum shelters migrants
The people who run the Holocaust Memorial in Milan, Italy, have opened their doors to hundreds of migrants with nowhere else to go.
Paris skyscraper
When politicians in Paris approve the city's first skyscraper in decades, it strikes the conservation-minded as the height of arrogance.