As It Happens, Tuesday Edition

Part One
Right-to-die advocate
Moments after assisted-suicide advocate John Hofsess dies in a Swiss clinic, Toronto Life magazine publishes an article in which he reveals he helped end the lives of eight Canadians.
Greece Macedonia border
Macedonia closes its border with Greece — leaving thousands of refugees without enough food, supplies, or options.
Part Two
South Africa apartheid trial
They took her thirty-three years ago. And Nokutuhula Simelane's body has never been found — but now, four former guards have finally been charged with murdering the South African activist.
St. Anne's claims
Survivors of St. Anne's residential school in northern Ontario say federal lawyers failed to disclose evidence of a serially abusive priest who worked there for nearly forty years.
EquiTable app
Cheque, please. And then check the cheque, please. Doesn't matter who ordered the nachos — a new app will help you address the wage gap, by splitting the bill according to race and gender.
Part Three
ICC heritage site charges
Prosecutors with the Interational Criminal Court say Ahmad al-Faqi al-Mahdi destroyed religious sites in Timbuktu — and, in doing so, destroyed part of Africa's cultural heritage.
HIV drug approval
It's called Truvada and it's taken pretty much like birth control — one small blue pill once a day. The drug doesn't prevent pregnancy — but studies show it can prevent HIV and now it's available in Canada.
CNN in Cape Breton
During the last U.S. election, CNN didn't send a team to Cape Breton on Super Tuesday. But that was before Donald Trump — and before a Cape Bretoner started a website offering a Trump-free zone to terrified Americans.