As It Happens, Tuesday Edition

Part One
Sperm donor
Our guest was one of dozens of women who were told their sperm donor was a multi-lingual PhD candidate -- and were stunned to find he's actually an ex-con with a history of mental illness.
Goldman Sachs fine
It certainly appears that Goldman Sachs is facing a heavy financial penalty for its role in the financial crisis -- but looks, like sub-prime mortgages, can be deceiving.
Saint Bollard
You call those round posts that protrude all over the city "bollards" -- but our guest calls them sublime and dedicates an Instagram account to capturing their boring beauty.
Part Two
Attawapiskat: coroner
As the Attawapiskat First Nation deals with its suicide crisis, Ontario's former Deputy Chief Coroner recalls his investigation into a similar emergency in another remote community: Pikangikum.
Foul ball catcher
The first one wasn't fair and neither were the next four -- and it also doesn't seem fair that one man somehow managed to catch all five of the foul balls in question during a single major league game.
Part Three
Afghanistan abuse report
The Canadian Forces failed to act on reports from its own soldiers that their Afghan allies were sexually abusing children. That's the conclusion of a six-year-old report that was finally made public today.
Boko Haram report
The extremists of Boko Haram are known for their lack of conscience. But even knowing what we know, a new report is shocking: according to UNICEF, the group is increasingly using children -- mostly girls -- as suicide bombers.
Spain Prime Minister vs. siesta
Spain awakens to the reality that its prime minister wants to do away with the traditional siesta -- a development people won't take lying down. Unless it's mid-afternoon.