As It Happens, Tuesday edition

Part One
Trans legislation: Zoe Knox
The government introduces legislation that would protect the rights of transgender Canadians — to the relief of our guest, a transgender woman whose daughter is also transgender.
Suicidal thoughts agreement
When a Halifax university student was experiencing suicidal thoughts, the school made him sign a "wellness agreement" — in which he was ordered not to tell other students about those thoughts.
Part Two
Fort Mac: Evacuee
It was traumatic enough when wildfires forced the evacuation of Joanne Randell from an oil sands camp near Fort McMurray — but now, after returning, she's been forced out again.
Plane crash survivor
While retracing a historic flight route, a pilot and her beloved 1940s biplane plummet into the Arizona desert — leaving the pilot unharmed, but the plane in disrepair.
Watercress eating champ
The champion watercress eater of the world — the whole world — tells us the secrets of cramming record amounts of peppery leaves into your mouth.
Part Three
U.S.S. Independence
The U.S.S. Independence didn't just survive the Second World War, it also survived the atomic bomb blast in Bikini. Then, it was sunk. Now, it's been discovered — and so have some declassified documents about it.
Trump 3rd Party
Republican organizer and radio host Erick Erickson is out to recruit a third party presidential contender who can take on Donald Trump from the right.
Eric the Robot
A British robot famous in the 1920's is making a comeback. The London Museum of Science curator behind the rebirth of "Eric the Robot" tells us why he thinks Eric's time has come, again.