As It Happens - Tuesday Edition

Part One
Manitoba intern worker beaten
A young woman is brutally beaten on the final night of her internship at a rehab centre in Manitoba — and she'll speak with us from the hospital.
Niqab student
An Ottawa student defends herself after she's repeatedly insulted by a fellow bus passenger for wearing a niqab — and then the driver steps in to defend her as well.
Golf course alligator
An enormous alligator (and mascot) ambled across a Florida golf course while our guest was trying to play through the third hole.
Part Two
Parents definition changes
The Ontario government says it will do away with an archaic provincial law that forces same-sex parents to adopt their own children.
Afghanistan displaced: amnesty
The number of people displaced within Afghanistan has doubled, to more than 1.2 million — and Amnesty International blames the disengagement of the international community.
Part Three
Finnish journalist
She set out to expose an army of Russian trolls — an online community that attacks anyone who criticizes the Kremlin. And a Finnish journalist did a good job of covering the story — but then the trolls set their sights on her.
Jeffrey Simpson retires
For 40 years — 32 of them as a national affairs columnist — Jeffrey Simpson has examined this country and its politics. Today, the Globe and Mail announced that Mr. Simpson is retiring.
Spoonman latest
Cyrille "The Spoonman" Esteve has been a musical mainstay of Montreal's St -Catherine Street for decades. But now he says that police are pressuring him to put down his cutlery for good.