As It Happens: Tuesday Edition

Part One
Site C: Chief
Jody Wilson-Raybould once protested alongside the Chief of the West Moberly First Nation against the Site C dam — but now that she's a federal minister, she's lost her voice.
Debate: fact checker
With the help of the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale, we'll take a closer look at who took a stand, and who took deceit, in last night's tête-à-tête between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
Roller coaster kidney stones
Down and up and down and out. If you're currently suffering from kidney stones, you'll be relieved to hear that a doctor has made an amazing discovery: you can get rid of them by riding a roller coaster.
Part Two
Nutrition North: Mayor
The mayor of Iqaluit says the federal government's Nutrition North program should focus on basic groceries — instead of products like tofu burgers and dragon fruit.
Microfibres study
A marine biology professor discovers that, when we launder synthetic clothing, we're releasing billions of plastic micro fibres into the environment — which could be causing problems for animals.
Part Three
Military ombudsman
Canada's military ombudsman says ill or injured service members face cumbersome paperwork and long delays when trying to secure benefits after they're discharged. He also says he has a plan to fix that.
Backyard bones
A New York man had some grand plans to give his new backyard a makeover. But then he discovered what was under it: human remains. Lots of them. Because his yard had once been a burial site for a nearby maximum-security prison.
Canned pumpkin
All gourd things must come to an end. And in this case, what will end is our innocent belief that everything that comes in a can marked "pumpkin" is actually pumpkin.