'Sleep Country Canada': What Canadians would name new home for Senate
Upper Chamber wants to rename its new digs The Senate of Canada Building — but our listeners have other ideas

What would you call the home-away-from-home of Canada's appointment-only defenders of democracy?
That was the question As It Happens put to listeners, following news that the Senate is moving into a new building.
Parliament Hill is about to undergo a huge, 10-year renovation, so the residents of the Red Chamber are being moved to temporary digs down the street. The new location is a former train station called the Government Conference Centre.
And apparently, that rather bland name isn't stately enough for most senators. So they've passed a motion expressing their "desire" to rename it the Senate of Canada Building, iPolitics reports.
Despite that flashy name, As It Happens wondered if Canadians could come up with something better — and, as always, they didn't disappoint.
There were some choice suggestions on our Facebook page.
"The Building of Boring Meetings," or BBM for short, suggested David McLeod.
Steven Rotenberg came up with "The Patronage Pit," while Bill R Dyck cheekily posited "The Retirement House" as an appropriate name.
"Senate McSenateface" made the list, of course, courtesy of Charles Sleep.
John A. Reid said we should just call it "The Other Place."
"House Of Ill Repute," wrote Joel Pearce, clearly not a fan of the Upper Chamber.
Eric Peabody gave it a corporate spin, with "The Coca-Cola Center For Senatorial Filibustering" — "That is of course assuming Coke would sponsor the temporary Senate Chamber."
And you didn't hold back on Twitter.
Clearly it should be called The Senatorium!
The name is obvious... the Red Chamber Pot
The Lebreton Home for The befuddled
Our email was flooded with ideas.
Chris Cody started things off proclaiming, "I hereby submit the name of "Boaty McBoatface" to become the proud permanent name for the temporary Senate building in Ottawa."
"I further move, no future changes be allowed. A Heritage Minute video will surely be produced of this courageous act thus helping generations to remember our achievement in making Canadian history."
Michael Cox riffed on that idea and suggested "Bloaty McBloatFace."
Some listeners played on the fact the temporary building is a former train station.
Trainy McTrainface
The Line 105 Center
“End Of The Line”
The Red Choo-Choo-mber
It's the Senate:<br><br>Gravy Train?
"Granfalloon Station," Chris Sullivan suggested on Facebook.
"Choo-Choo Chamber," chimed in Richard T. Reinhard.
Barbara Louise MacInnis kept it straightforward with her suggestion: "Former Train Station Building" or FTS for short.
SuzandDon Brundage were a little more blunt with "Train of Fools."
And finally, some of you really went outside the box and took a bit more creative license with your proposals.
Newfoundlander Albert Garland wrote in an email, "The Pork Barrel" — "or as we say here on the Rock "Scrunchions" would be a good name."
Lori Strothard had plenty of ideas: "The Maple Leaf Scrounge," "Moosetracks," or "Hotel Ottawfornia."
"The Temporary Terminus of Teetotallers," summed up Peter Wall's feelings on the matter.
Victoria Sutherland added "A More Useful Location For The Ottawa Library."
Maureen Farrington put it bluntly, suggesting: "Chamber Of Snorers."
And finally, Peter Dobbins offered "Sleep Country Canada."
Senate seeks stately name for its temporary home in former train station. Apparently, senators aren't happy with Government Conference Centre. So, we're asking you. What would you like the new building be called? Call 416-205-5687. Or email us aih@cbc.ca <a href="https://t.co/JHc6XXzlYB">https://t.co/JHc6XXzlYB</a> <a href="https://t.co/HEKSYBNJfA">pic.twitter.com/HEKSYBNJfA</a>
Written by John Perry and John McGill. Produced by John Perry.