The Kellogg's worker who left message in last Cdn-made Frosted Flakes box

Last night, we told you about a dad in Timmins, Ontario who found a hand-written message in his Frosted Flakes cereal box. The note, he discovered, was written by three Kellogg's employees in London, Ontario on their last shift before the plant closed.
The idea came to worker Mike Cascadden when it dawned on him that he'd never see another bag of cereal go out the factory doors. He was touched to learn it was found by a family who appreciated its significance.
"I couldn't believe it," Cascadden tells As It Happens host Carol Off. He was working the night shift at his new job when he heard the news. "I couldn't sleep for the rest of the day. It was a whirlwind day of emotions . . . to put a face on who actually opened it up and see how it affected them. It was happy and sad at the same time."
He says it is disheartening that manufacturing is leaving Ontario. He's now working in a management job at an auto plant. Many of his former co-workers aren't as lucky. They're struggling to find work. But Cascadden has no ill will towards Kellogg's.
"I have 184 years of service between myself, my grandfather, my dad, my aunt, my cousin, my brother. That company is in my DNA," Cascadden says. "They make a great product."
He says the last shift was emotional.
"I was a young man when I started there. I'm 47 now," he says. "I was taking under the wing of some pretty incredible guys. I want to see them again, but the reality is there's 500 people there that I worked with and probably 99 percent of them, I won't see again, so it's emotional. I grew up with these guys."
He plans to meet Mr. Gaudette over the phone tonight and hopes they can create a friendship.
"He's a family man. I'm a family man. And we can just sit back and tell this story to our grandchildren."