As It Happens: Wednesday Edition

Part One
Yemen Latest
Saudi Arabia's airstrikes have created chaos and casualties in Yemen and the situation is deteriorating by the minute.
Arkansas Florist
We'll speak with a florist who has no problem with his gay customers or with the state's proposed religious rights law.
From Our Archives: Obit Pet Rock Inventor
For a time in the 1970s, everybody had a pet rock which made the late inventor of the Pet Rock, Gary Ross Dahl, a very rich man.
Part Two
ISIS: Irwin Cotler
Irwin Cotler has so far abstained from two votes on Canada's mission against ISIS. He'll tell us why.
From Our Archives: Alan Maitland on Celsius
The late Alain Maitland gets worked up about the switch to Celsius
Temperature Harmonization
An American trade representative tells us why his country wants Canada switching back to Fahrenheit.
Part Three
Chrysler Noose
For the third time, a hangman's noose has been found inside Fiat Chrysler's Windsor, Ontario assembly plant.
Raif Badawi Letter
The Saudi ambassador has told Quebec to stop criticizing his country's treatment of a convicted blogger.
Saanich Mayor Case
The mayor of Saanich, B.C.'s claims of Orwellian spyware monitoring municipal computers turn out to be true.