As It Happens: Wednesday Edition

Part One
Residential school museum
Rather than destroy the residential school where its children were cruelly mistreated, a First Nation in Manitoba wants to turn it into a museum.
CBC stampede petition
The Vancouver Humane Society petitions the CBC to pull the plug on plans to broadcast what they call the fear, pain and stress endured by animals at the Calgary Stampede.
Vietnam story
An Alberta man's powerful memoir about his time as a helicopter pilot in Vietnam is revealed to actually be an American man's powerful memoir about the same thing.
Part Two
Iraqi militia
The U.S. and Canada are critical of the Iraqi military's fight against ISIS, but our Iraqi guest says that message doesn't need reinforcements from the West-- the soldiers do.
Sitting bad
After a series of studies proving that sitting is terrible for our health, British scientists suggest some ways to stay off your rump during your workday.
Part Three
Italian beauty contest
While the rector of a Rome university apparently thinks beauty pageants are great enough for him to judge one, a lot of female academics are now judging him. And harshly.
Alpaca shearer
Collectively, we are disappointing alpacas -- because despite a growing number of the hirsute animals at farms in Alberta and Saskatchewan, there's a serious lack of shearers.
Saint John religious relic
A woman in Saint John is seeking information on a mysterious religious relic her father discovered in his house.