As It Happens: Wednesday Edition

Part One
Yemen hunger crisis
Yemen was once the Romans' breadbasket but, after months of war, Oxfam says that half the population may soon be dying of hunger.
UN worker follow-up
A Canadian lawyer says she was sexually assaulted on a UN base but a spokesman for the Secretary General says they're not ready to launch a full investigation.
BC Ferries' deep voice
When we hear about a boyish BC Ferries announcer with a voice too deep to believe, we simply can't resist giving him a radio try-out.
Part Two
Legal equalizer app
In the aftermath of yet another US police killing, an Atlanta man develops a smartphone tool he hopes will make things safer for black drivers who get stopped by police.
Calais migrants
A Calais aid worker says tensions are high in the crowded migrant camps after another man dies trying to get through the Chunnel into England.
Griswold family car
A real-life Griswold family recreates the nightmare station wagon from National Lampoon's Vacation, and the car lands a role in the movie's reboot.