As it Happened: The Archive Edition - The Challengers Episode

Dull and Boring may seem so close as to be indistinguishable. But the truth is, they're an ocean apart. Dull is the name of a town in Scotland. Boring is the name of a town in Oregon. And in 2012, Dull challenged Boring to become its partner town. After all, what could be more exciting than a Dull and Boring relationship?
Marjorie Keddie is a community councillor in Dull, Scotland and she told As it Happens host Carol Off how the idea of a partnership came about.
"It was our local GP's wife. She had friends who were cycling through Boring and thought it would be absolutely amazing, if Boring and Dull twinned up," said Keddie.
Within weeks, Dull and Boring became sister communities.
"It brings a smile to everyone's face," Keddie said. "As it is, when people see the sign to Dull, people just stop and take pictures with them underneath it."
The photo-taking is also a phenomenon that's familiar to the people of Boring. Once Dull and Boring were officially paired, Carol spoke with Bob Boring, who lives in Boring, Oregon.
"Everybody I've talked thinks it's been fun, a good community thing," said Boring.
He explained that his great-grandfather and uncle founded the town, hence its name. In the 1880s, his Uncle Joe donated land for a school.
"People called it Boring School and then, in 1903, the railway came through and they picked up the name Boring Junction."
Both Keddie and Boring insist that their towns are neither dull nor boring.
You can hear more about Dull and Boring, as well as these stories on this episode of As it Happened:
A contest judge explains how to succeed at worm charming.
A high school student wins the right to form a gay-straight alliance.
The animal calling champions of the world unite.
A couple who try to help Quackers the duck who can't swim.
The first baby born in South Africa not identified by race.
Don Cherry explains why his hockey team is the worst in the league.