As It Happens: Wednesday Edition

Part One
Hungary border
When refugees attempt to breach the Hungarian border, riot police respond with tear gas and water cannons.
Corbyn & national anthem
Jeremy Corbyn, the brand-new leader of Britain's Labour Party, causes a kerfuffle when he refuses to sing "God Save the Queen" -- a performance our guest thinks is tone-deaf.
Copyright case
She got in trouble for a video in which her baby danced to Prince's "Let's Go Crazy" -- but a Pennsylvania woman fought back, and won.
Part Two
Youth vote: "The Drop"
A new documentary examines why millennials are so "Whatever" when it comes to actually casting a ballot.
American eel population
An environmental group wants people to feel as protective of the wriggly as they are of the cuddly -- and help save the endangered American eel.
Part Three
Ban sex robots
Kathleen Richardson says using robots for sex is going too far. The robot ethicist shares why she launched a campaign to ban the development of robo-intimacy.
Kickstarter lawsuit
What happens to the crowd when a crowd-funding campaign produces none of the stuff the crowd funded? Usually, the donations just disappear -- but a recent court decision may change that.