As It Happens: Wednesday Edition

Part One
Sex Ed school
Teachers are laid off, and two classes dissolved, at one Toronto school -- because parents are protesting the province's sex-ed curriculum by keeping their kids away.
Turkey police raid
Turkish journalist Suna Vidinli was live on the air when police seized control of her TV station -- which, not coincidentally, had been critical of the government.
24 Sussex enviro-friendly renovations
Apparently, the official Prime Ministerial residence is too ramshackle for Justin Trudeau to move in -- but rather than level the place, our guest suggests making it greener.
Part Two
Baby formula retraction
Twenty-six years ago, the British Medical Journal published a study on the benefits of baby formula. It was bunk. Now, the BMJ has retracted that study. This week.
Governor General's Literary Award for Fiction winner
Saskatchewan author Guy Vanderhaeghe wins this year's Governor General's English Fiction Award for his short story collection, Daddy Lenin and Other Stories.
Part Three
Volunteeer pallbearers
A seventeen-year-old high school senior in Detroit explains why he's helped start a program that enlists student volunteers as pallbearers for homeless people.
Slovenia MEP
A Slovenian Member of European Parliament tells us why she's against the sudden proliferation of fences along national borders to keep out refugees.
New Zealand possum tails
Drivers near Auckland, New Zealand, are seriously creeped out by the bizarre, mysterious appearance of thousands of severed possum tails.