As It Happens: Wednesday Edition

Part One
Trudeau cabinet: John Ivison
Cabinet-making is a tricky process. National Post columnist John Ivison helps take the measurements of the group appointed today by Canada's newest Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.
Val d'Or auditor
After allegations that officers in Val D'Or, Quebec physically and sexually abused aboriginal women, the province appoints a human rights lawyer to observe the police investigation.
iTunes graphic novel
An American artist finds himself strangely drawn to a project that, strangely, he's drawing: turning Apple's notoriously unreadable iTunes contract into a graphic novel.
Part Two
Manitoba protection orders
A Manitoba woman was denied a protection order against the ex-boyfriend who eventually killed her -- and now, the province wants to change the process.
Hair braiding lawsuit
A daily $1,000 fine, a year in prison. Those are the penalties unlicensed hair braiders face in the state of Iowa. Aicheria Bell is a professional braider who is taking the Iowa Board of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences to court.
Part Three
Writers' Trust Fiction Prize winner André Alexis
A feature interview with author André Alexis -- whose latest novel, "Fifteen Dogs", has just won the 2015 Rogers Writers' Trust Fiction Prize.
Toronto hookah ban
Toronto City Council bans the popular pipe in all restaurants and bars throughout the city -- which leaves our guest, the owner of a local café, in a haze about the future of his business.