Police rap weather warning, spark most Canadian rap battle ever

It started out as a cheeky weather warning from an RCMP detachment but has now sparked a fierce rap battle -- and the most Canadian one, at that.
It all started in Kindersley, Sask., a small town with some mighty cold weather. Temperatures have dipped to negative double digits. So the local RCMP detachment decided to put out a warning for drivers.
But not just any warning. Meghan Mochoruk, the detachment's social media manager, decided to rap it and she chose Ice Ice, Baby by Vanilla Ice, as her inspiration.
The As It Happens team gave Mochoruk a call and she rapped the weather alert. Here she is with Ice Ice Baby, the Kindersley Edition.
But if the story ended there, it wouldn't exactly be a rap battle and that's where the Edmonton Police Service enter the picture.
They were so inspired by Kindersley's rap, that they whipped up their own lyrical weather warning.
Jared Robinson is the Edmonton Police Service's digital media producer and a big fan of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Here's Robinson, with Fresh Prince of Edmonton:
Like any fierce rap battle, we turn to you for the final answer. Who's the champion? Vote below.