As It Happens, Wednesday Edition

Part One
Auschwitz book
A wedding album from 1942 finds its way to the niece of the couple — who never met her aunt and uncle, because four months after the ceremony, they were sent to a death camp.
ISIS withdrawal
Former Veterans Affairs Minister Erin O'Toole says the Liberals are wrong to withdraw Canadian jets from the fight against ISIS — and that Canada should return to its roots, and stand with its allies.
Balloon video
You may remember that Bryan Chan attached a camera to a weather balloon, and then lost it. He does — which is why, this time, he and his colleagues carefully tracked their camera's rise and fall.
Part Two
Sikh discrimination
The plane wouldn't take off until he did. But Sikh actor Waris Ahluwalia refused to doff his turban — and now that the Mexican airline has apologized, he'll tell us whether that apology will fly.
Guitar returned
It's been six years since a BC blues musician's cherished Fender Stratocaster was stolen — but he's about to get it back, because he had the foresight to carve his name into it.
Part Three
Refugee centre
After the arrest of fourteen men in Sweden, we'll learn about the anti-refugee sentiment there — and the far-right extremists who pose an increasing threat.
Nuns soup kitchen
If you're the landlord who raised the rent on a San Francisco soup kitchen run by nuns, well — good luck in the afterlife. We'll speak with one of the nuns about the kitchen's uncertain future.
Lake Winnipeg fisherman
A pair of ice-fishermen spend 26-hours stuck on Lake Winnipeg during a blizzard. An adventure they could have avoided if they had done one simple thing: checked the weather.