As It Happens, Wednesday Edition

Part One
Jutra allegations
After a new book alleges that celebrated Quebec director Claude Jutra regularly had sex with boys, provincial and municipal officials call for immediate action.
Paris concert
The Eagles of Death Metal return to Paris for the first time since dozens were killed at their November concert — and I'll speak with a survivor who returned to see them play.
Astronaut ice cream
Abort lunch sequence. If you're about to follow your sandwich with the freeze-dried sort-of-treat called "Astronaut Ice Cream" because you think actual astronauts ate it, your dreams are about to crash to Earth.
Part Two
MMIW: domestic abuse
An Ojibway activist says domestic abuse needs to be part of the conversation on the issue of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls.
Avalanche skier
One minute, an Alberta skier was on top of the world. The next, it was on top of him. Tonight, he'll tell us how he kept it together after an avalanche — and what's keeping his shattered leg together now.
Part Three
Apple privacy
The FBI says the computer giant should help it break into the iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters — but Apple thinks different.
Toronto Black community church
An excavation in Toronto reveals a church that was once central to the city's Black community — and a refuge for Black Americans escaping slavery in the nineteenth century.
Mozart performance
They were known as musical rivals. But a long-lost composition co-written by Mozart and Salieri suggests their competition was friendlier than we might have guessed.