As It Happens, Wednesday Edition

Part One
Naturopath investigation
A group of doctors asks for an investigation of the naturopath who played a role in treating an Alberta toddler — who died after his parents gave him echinacea to treat his meningitis.
Newfoundland and Labrador libraries
Newfoundland author Russell Wangersky wrings his hands, after his hard-up government first announces a tax on books — and then the closure of more than half the province's libraries.
Ottawa wild parsnip!
Hazmat gear: check. Goggles: check. Thick gloves: check. Healthy sense of fear: check. Now you're almost ready to head out into the woods of Ottawa — where you might encounter the invasive wild parsnip.
Part Two
Unbound delegate
A so-called "unbound delegate" from Pennsylvania knows Donald Trump has a huge advantage — but he won't pledge allegiance to anyone until the convention.
Lebanon band
The government of Jordan abruptly cancels a concert by a popular Lebanese band — and according to the band, it's because officials don't like their message of freedom.
Part Three
Hugo awards
Two right-wing groups calling themselves the Sad Puppies and the Rabid Puppies have once again hijacked one of the most prestigious awards for science fiction. And they're forcing writers to consider a radical change to the whole awards system.
Attacking grouse
A sexed-up feathered fiend takes his frustrations out on humans, on a hiking trail in Alberta — and our guest describes how the bird nearly flipped her.
Chernobyl logging
A Ukrainian man who regularly explores the exclusion zone around Chernobyl discovers that someone is secretly cutting down huge swaths of forest and likely selling the wood for construction.