As It Happens: Wednesday Edition

Part One
Chilcot: Family
Ben Hyde was a twenty-three-year-old British soldier who was killed in Iraq in 2003 — and tonight, his father reflects on the damning conclusions of the Chilcot report.
Chilcot: Clare Short
Tony Blair argued that the invasion of Iraq was "the right decision" — but former cabinet minister Clare Short isn't convinced by her former boss's claims.
Part Two
Baton Rouge shooting
The U.S. Justice Department is investigating the death of a 37-year-old black man in Baton Rouge — we'll find out more about what happened to Alton Sterling.
Centipede discovery
What do you give the bug that has everything? It's got length (eight inches), teeth (ten to twelve), venom (too much), and legs (too many) — plus, the newly discovered giant, biting, poisonous centipede can swim.