As It Happens: Wednesday Edition

Part One
Site C dam
Liberal MP Robert-Falcon Ouellette breaks ranks with his government's approval of a BC dam -- saying that a failure to consult local First Nations could violate the UN declaration on indigenous rights.
Tampon tax
California governor Jerry Brown vetoes a much-heralded bill that would have dropped a tax on menstrual products -- but our guest, who helped write the law, has no intention of giving up.
Marathon train
Dozens of Pennsylvania marathon runners were making tracks, but, unfortunately, someone got there first -- and all they could do was wait while a very slow train went by in the middle of the race.
Part Two
Auschwitz mission
Scottish missionary Jane Haining was a hero of the Holocaust, for refusing to abandon the Jewish children in her care -- and a new discovery sheds more light on her story.
We-Vibe lawsuit
A Chicago woman files a lawsuit after discovering her sex toy is a double agent, sending extremely precise information about how she's using it back to the Canadian company that made it.
Part Three
Hydro One lawsuit
Ontario's public employees union sees untoward connections between the province's Liberal government, and the companies that profited from the privatization of the power utility. The union's calling those connections "misfeasance" -- and planning to sue.
Bangladesh blood river
When rivers of blood-stained water flowed through the streets of Dhaka, Bangladesh, it might have seemed like something from the Book of Revelation. Our guest provides a much more reasonable revelation
Canadian Paralympian fencer
Pierre Mainville is a Canadian wheelchair fencer who competed in his third Paralympic Games this week in Rio. He shares the remarkable story of how a 2001 shooting put him in his wheelchair, and what he decided to do about it.