Friday: Iraq - Canada's role, 9/11 firefighters, message in a bottle, and more...

Part One
Iraq: PM's Parliamentary Secretary Paul Bezan
The Prime Minister introduces a motion for Canada to join air strikes against ISIS in Iraq -- and a government representative presents us with the case for war.
Iraq: Opposition Foreign Affairs Critic Paul Dewar
The NDP warns that the West's disastrous history in the Middle East may repeat itself -- and focuses on humanitarian, rather than military, assistance.
Iraq: Liberal Foreign Affairs Critic Marc Garneau
The PM's motion will certainly pass -- but the Liberals say that, in the rush to send planes, the government has failed to justify the mission.
Part Two
Message in a bottle
He was just picking up garbage when he found a message in a bottle -- and that wound up connecting Jean-Francois Cianci to the woman who'd tossed it into an Alberta river as a teenager, 44 years earlier.
9/11 firefighters
Thirteen years, and 11 days. That's the space of time between when three New York firefighters served at Ground Zero -- and when all three died, on the same day, of cancer.
Part Three
Former CFS worker
A former childcare worker in Manitoba sheds more light -- or more darkness -- on the last days of Tina Fontaine's life in provincial care.
NWT food bus
Mike Sharpe drives a bus in the Northwest Territories -- but more important, that bus is stocked with groceries at surprisingly low prices.
Bullfrog problem
They call Montana "Big Sky Country" -- but if a current population explosion continues, they'll have to call it "Big Frog Country". Not that they'll be able to hear each other call it anything.