Tom Mulcair on questions and contradictions in the Senate expenses scandal
The House of Commons gets back to business today, and the Leader of the Opposition, Tom Mulcair, is set to dive back into the Senate expenses scandal. He is concerned with what he says are inconsistencies that remain unresolved: Did Nigel Wright quit or was he fired? If what Mr. Wright did was so reprehensible to Prime Minister Harper to warrant dismissal, why...

The House of Commons gets back to business today, and the Leader of the Opposition, Tom Mulcair, is set to dive back into the Senate expenses scandal.
He is concerned with what he says are inconsistencies that remain unresolved:
Did Nigel Wright quit or was he fired? If what Mr. Wright did was so reprehensible to Prime Minister Harper to warrant dismissal, why does Senator Irving Gerstein, who was amenable to someone paying for Mike Dufffy's questionable expenses in principle, but balked at the amount, remain? The NDP leader believes the RCMP investigation has shown that the Senate lacks autonomy, and supports his argument that it be abolished. Click Listen to hear NDP Leader Tom Mulcair (recorded January 24th, 2014).
As It Happens has its own list of unanswered questions with respect to the Senate scandal, you can see them here.