Former Nova Scotia cabinet minister Graham Steele on the 'charade' of politics
Regrets, he has more than a few. And Graham Steele has written them all down. Steele spent more than a decade as a politician, eventually becoming a cabinet minister in Darryl Dexter's NDP government in Nova Scotia. By the time he left politics last year, he was completely disillusioned. He's written a book about what it's like to be a part of what he calls a "low, dirty business."
Now that he's out of the game, his book outlines the unspoken rules of politics. Rule #1 -- get re-elected. Rule #10 -- deny the rules exist.

"Every politician that I've ever met, including myself, says we're going into it to make a difference," Steele tells Carol. "And then, it's only in hindsight... you look back and you say, well, what difference did I actually make?"
Hear Steele's full interview with Carol for more of his "10 Rules of the Game."