Meet Poppy, the world's oldest living cat

*** 6/11/14: We're sad to report that after a period of illness, Poppy the cat has now died and has been buried in Ms West's garden. You can find out more details by clicking here.
In cat years, she's an ancient 114. Poppy, who lives in Bournemouth, England, has just been recognized by the Guinness World Records as the "World's Oldest Living Cat". She is 24 years old. According to her owner, Jacqui West, despite her age, Poppy is still "head of the household," which has four other cats, two rabbits and a hamster.
"She's a frail little old lady now, because of her age," Ms. West tells Carol. "Because of her deafness, when she meows at us, she's quite loud -- and she does meow for everything... but she's lovely, very affectionate, and she loves the fuss."
Hear Carol's full interview with Ms. West by selecting the "Listen" button for more on Poppy's love of exercise, KFC and "cat crunchies."