Queen's anti-vaccine professor, Jordan vs. ISIS, giant rodent, and more...

In a first-year class at Ontario's Queen's University, students are taught that vaccines can be dangerous -- raising a lot of questions that won't be on the exam...After ISIS burns a Jordanian pilot alive, Jordan executes two convicted Iraqi terrorists as an act of vengeance -- and King Abdullah vows "relentless war" against the militant group...and a new study reveals a rodent that lived more than two million years ago was built like a bull and had teeth like elephant tusks.
Part One
Queen's anti-vaccine professor
Former students say a health course at Queen's University is teaching bunk science in questioning the safety of vaccines -- and that the complaints go back years.
Jordan vs. ISIS
The revenge was swift -- and it's just the beginning. After a horrific video of ISIS militants burning a Jordanian pilot alive, Jordan immediately executed two convicted Iraqi terrorists. And King Abdullah has said there will be further retribution.
"Benjamin Button" haircut
A Georgia barber shop will help discipline your unruly kid -- by shaving just the top of his head, and leaving the crown. They call it the "Benjamin Button".
Part Two
Harper Lee's second novel
There's plenty of excitement about Harper Lee's first novel since "To Kill A Mockingbird" -- but there's also plenty of controversy about why it's being published now.
Detroit commuter
The story of a Detroit man who was forced to walk 34 kilometres a day to and from work moves people to donate money -- enough to change his life forever.
Part Three
Bill Bennett
It might seem troubling that police are searching the offices of a mine owned by Imperial metals in BC -- but according to Bill Bennett, the province's mining minister, there's nothing to worry about.
Montreal imam follow-up
A leader from Quebec's Muslim community argues that controversial imam Hamza Chaoui should either be charged with a crime, or allowed to open his Islamic centre in Montreal.
Giant ancient rodent
Imagine your guinea pig, only five feet tall with giant tusks and a muscular body. Now try to sleep, after we tell you such a monstrous rodent once walked the Earth.
Montreal Uber cars seized
The ride-hailing service Uber is still growing in leaps and bounds, but it's facing some hurdles -- including having two of its cars seized by the city of Montreal.