The Friday Edition

Part One
Nice, France: Victim friend
A Muslim leader in Nice pays tribute to her friend, the mother of seven children — and one of the first to be mowed down after the fireworks ended and the attack began.
Nice, France: Politician witness
A unified response to a shattering experience. A member of the French government who witnessed last night's carnage in Nice urges his fellow citizens not to let the attack further divide the country.
Nice, France: Truck as weapon
All it took was a tractor trailer to kill dozens on a crowded promenade — but, as terrorism expert Brian Levin explains, it's not the first time a truck has been used in an terrorist attack.
Part Two
Turkey coup
The military says it's taken control, the government declares its defiance — and we'll try to figure out just who is in charge in Turkey, after what appears to be a coup.
Nice, France: Witness couple
A Swedish couple visiting France survive last night's mayhem in Nice and tell us what they witnessed.
Nice, France: Senator security
The man accused of the truck attack in Nice could have acted as a so-called "lone wolf" — which, according to one French Senator, makes these attacks impossible to prevent.
As it Happens was produced this week by:
Jeanne Armstrong
Imogen Birchard
Katie Geleff
Chris Harbord
Kevin Robertson
Kate Swoger
Earvin Solitario
and Pedro Sanchez.
Our intern is Sophie Woodrooffe.
Our technicians is Reynold Gonsalves. The show director was John McGill. Chris Howden is our writer.
John Perry is the Senior Producer. And the Executive Producer of As It Happens is Robin Smythe.
We'd also like to thank some other people who helped us out this week:
Mary Lynk in Halifax
Susan McKenzie in Montreal
Davorin Cikovic, Craig Desson and Lorne Shapiro in Toronto
Riley Laychuk in Winnipeg
Michael O'Halloran in Calgary
and Anne Penman in Vancouver.
As It Happens will be back again on Monday. Goodnight, and good weekend.