She draws things when she runs -- including penises
When most people run, they sweat. When Claire Wyckoff runs, she draws. Using a GPS-linked app on her phone, as she jogs, she traces pictures with her running route. She's drawn a corgi, a Space Invader, a Mennonite girl's profile -- and several penises....

When most people run, they sweat. When Claire Wyckoff runs, she draws. Using a GPS-linked app on her phone, as she jogs, she traces pictures with her running route. She's drawn a corgi, a Space Invader, a Mennonite girl's profile -- and several penises.
She explains to guest host Laura Lynch how it all began.
"One day I went for a run and looked at the run on the Nike app and vaguely saw a dog's head and decided the next day that I should actually try to run a dog," she says. "A bunch of my Instagram friends, of which I had four, like it, so I thought 'I should draw more of these.'"

The second thing she drew was a penis. Why?
"Because you should do what you are passionate about," she explains, then laughs.
She adds: "Because penises are funny. Look, I think there is something funny about taking something and doing the opposite of what it was intended for. Obviously, Nike+ is used by avid runners, so I think the last thing I think you'd expect Nike to be associated with is giant penises."

She's also drawn Slimer from Ghostbusters, a middle finger and a pole dancer. But her favourite is probably the head of a Mennonite girl. It was the result of a failed attempt to draw George Washington.

The drawings have amused a lot of people. She now has about 10,000 followers on Instagram. But she does it, in part, because it makes running more fun.
"I'm not one of those people who runs because I just love running. I run because I don't want to be fat," she says. "It takes your mind off it. You're not thinking, 'Oh God, one mile left.'"

Her next run is this weekend. But she hasn't figured out what she'll draw yet.
"I feel a little bit of pressure to do something either phallic or amazing," she says. "People should stay tuned, for sure."