Meet Blosom, the world's tallest cow

Blosom shares a few traits with Barbie: she's long-legged, she's big-chested and she stares blankly. Blosom is a Holstein cow. Her owner, Patty Hanson in Orangeville, Illinois, has just learned that according to Guinness World Records, Blosom is now considered the world's tallest cow, measuring 190 cm or about 6'4" high.
"This just happened," Hanson tells As It Happens host Carol Off. "She came to us as an eight-week-old calf and we raised her. She was super-friendly, my kids loved her. She became part of the family."
Hanson thinks she knows why Blosom grew so large:
"Most cows when they can't have a calf, they're sent to the butcher, but all of her energy just went into growing. She never had to have any energy going into producing a calf or milking and she just kept growing and growing."
The 2000-lb Blosom recently turned 13 in July.
"She's sweet, she loves to have her ear scratched. There's not a mean bone in her body; she's my best friend."
Here are some more photos of Blosom from her official Facebook page: