Nestle, lax regulations and millions of litres of water.
Nestlé Waters Canada draws more than two hundred million litres of water from the city of Hope, British Columbia every year. They get it for free. That's a concern for BC first nations. The area around Hope includes the traditional territory of both the Union Bar and Chawathil First Nations. Yesterday the Union of B-C Indian Chiefs threw their support...

Nestlé Waters Canada draws more than two hundred million litres of water from the city of Hope, British Columbia every year. They get it for free.
That's a concern for BC first nations. The area around Hope includes the traditional territory of both the Union Bar and Chawathil First Nations. Yesterday the Union of B-C Indian Chiefs threw their support behind calls to protect provincial water resources.
Listen to Laura's interview with Sheila Muxlow, the Campaign Director of the Water Wealth Project.