PHOTO GALLERY: Are you a politician facing hard times? Need to soften your image? Take a picture with an animal!
When we saw the front page of The Globe and Mail today featuring embattled Conservatives Dimitri Soudas and Eve Adams walking their friends' dogs, we couldn't help but be a little cynical. After all, if you're looking to soften your image, taking a picture with an animal is one of the oldest political moves around. In fact, there's no shortage...
When we saw the front page of The Globe and Mail today featuring embattled Conservatives Dimitri Soudas and Eve Adams walking their friends' dogs, we couldn't help but be a little cynical. After all, if you're looking to soften your image, taking a picture with an animal is one of the oldest political moves around. In fact, there's no shortage of pictures of politicians posing with animals. Here are some of our faves...

In 2005, The Globe and Mail ran this photo of Conservative MP Peter MacKay on the front page with the family dog, Jack, following his public break-up with former federal MP Belinda Stronach. (Photo: Andrew Vaughan/CP)

When Stéphane Dion won the leadership of the Liberal Party in 2006, he faced criticism that he was not particularly charismatic. Is that why there are so many photos of him with dogs while on the 2008 election campaign trail? (Photos: Adrian Wyld/CP)

As Prime Minister, Stephen Harper is always under public scrutiny -- but never mind all that, did you know that he has a chinchilla named Charlie? Wife Laureen proudly holds their pet rodent in their family's 2013 holiday card. (Photo: Sean Kilpatrick/CP)
Outside of Canada, there's no shortage of politicians aligning themselves with cute animals.

When U.S. President Barack Obama took office, one of his first big decisions was to... adopt Bo to act as First Dog. A few months later, Bo was joined by the female Sunny, also a Portuguese Water Dog. (Photo: Pete Souza/Reuters)

George W. Bush's First Dog was a Scottish Terrier Portuguese Water Dog, too. Sadly, Barney died in 2013 and like his owner had a mixed reputation. According to former First Daughter Jenna Bush Hager, he was a biter and "a real jerk." (Photo: Jason Reed/Reuters)

If you ever find yourself debating why we need a Monarchy, you need a reminder that Queen Elizabeth II loves Corgis. Since she was a child, Elizabeth II has owned more than 30 corgis. (Photo: Andy Clark/Reuters)

You might recall that the Clintons had a scandal or two while they held office. They also had both a cat and a dog. Unfortunately, they didn't get along very well and lived in separate quarters of the White House. The frisky Buddy died at the age of four, after being hit by a car in 2002. Socks died in 2009, living 19 years. (Photo: U.S. Government Handout/Reuters)
In terms of world leaders with problems, Russian President Vladimir Putin is certainly near the top of the list. Understandably, and perhaps because of his troubles, he has posed beside a veritable zoo of cute animals:

He owns two dogs... (Photo: Alexsey Druginyn/RIA Novosti/Pool Reuters)

...he really loves dogs... (Photo: Alexsey Druginyn/RIA Novosti/Pool/Reuters)

...he sees eye to eye with birds... (Photo: RIA Novosti/Pool/Reuters)

...he likes Elk... (Photo: RIA Novosti/Pool/Reuters)

...and last but not least, he has a pet tiger. It now lives in a zoo. (Photo: RIA Novosti/Pool/Reuters)