BC tailings pond breach: "It's a true disaster"
Ingrid Ritson and her husband moved to Likely, BC because of the pristine surroundings, fresh water and abundant wildlife. Today, she's worried that may all be in jeopardy as a result of a tailings pond breach at the Mount Polley Mine, operated by Imperial Metals. BC's Minister of Energy and Mines calls the breach "a true disaster."...

Ingrid Ritson and her husband moved to Likely, BC because of the pristine surroundings, fresh water and abundant wildlife. Today, she's worried that may all be in jeopardy as a result of a tailings pond breach at the Mount Polley Mine, operated by Imperial Metals. BC's Minister of Energy and Mines calls the breach "a true disaster."
Ms. Ritson and her husband operate the Quesnel Lakeshore Room and Board out of their home on Quesnel Lake. They draw their drinking water from the lake. But there is a complete ban on water use in the area.
"It's so frightening to be told 'don't touch it, don't let your animals near it, keep your livestock away.' You know, all of sudden what was wonderful and pristine is being treated like toxic waste."
The Ritsons have already had cancellations from guests at their home. But Ms. Ritson worries most about the wildlife in the area.
"People can pick up and move and carry on ... but for the wildlife here this is their home and I'm afraid we've wrecked it for them, at least for the short term."