Wednesday: Cuba - US relations restored, Rehtaeh Parsons named, "The Interview" premiere cancelled, and more...

Part One
Cuba - US relations restored
Antonio Zamora celebrates his journey from enemy of the Cuban state to foreign investor. The Bay of Pigs invader imagines the full effect of his President's decision to open relations with Cuba.
Rehtaeh Parsons named
It was bad enough that Rehtaeh Parsons died after attempting suicide because of an online photo allegedly depicting her sexual assault. But after a child porn distribution conviction in that case, a publication ban prevented people from using her name. Today, officials announces they won't prosecute people who publish her name -- to the relief of Rehtaeh Parsons' mother.
"The Interview" X-mas premiere cancelled
Usually, the worst a movie studio has to worry about is a scathing review. But in the case of the movie "The Interview", a series of threats has forced Sony to cancel its Christmas day release.
Part Two
Repeat: Ian McEwan reading/interview
Ian McEwan's new book is a sexy thriller about a tough-as-nails cop who -- no, it's not. As usual, he made things much more complicated than that. And in a moment, we'll have an encore presentation of an interview in which we'll pull out some of the many threads in his latest novel, "The Children Act".
Part Three
Repeat: As it Happened - Robots
As It Happened is a stroll through the show archives. In this case, it's a stiff walk accompanied by loud clanking, as we take you through various stories on robots.