Wednesday: Hebdo - MacKinnon, cliff fall, fake art exhibit and more...

Part One
Charlie Hebdo: Mark MacKinnon
A Globe and Mail correspondent bears witness to the police take-down of a man in Paris, who apparently said the wrong thing at the wrong time.
Peshawar school
Eighteen-year-old Aakif Azeem tells us about his first week back at school in Peshawar -- less than a month after the Taliban massacred 150 teachers and students.
Cliff fall
Chuck Rosenberg managed to hang from the eight-storey cliff in Costa Rica for a few minutes, before he fell. You'll be relieved to hear that we have spoken with Mr. Rosenberg.
Part Two
Cuban prisoner
Cuba's détente with the United States feels like a fresh start -- but some dissidents aren't feeling so hot about the warming relationship.
Library buy-back
Under pressure to reduce its spending -- and hoping to reduce wait lists -- the Toronto Public Library offers you five bucks for the bestselling books you've got kicking around.
Part Three
Ottawa balloonist
She slipped the surly bonds of Earth -- and froze her butt off as well. But Sandra Rolfe can derive cold comfort -- extremely cold comfort -- from the possibility that she broke a record for "extreme ballooning" yesterday.
PEI fossil find
A Prince Edward Island man has had something he kept for 20 years named after him: an extremely rare fossil.
Fake art exhibit
A London art gallery plans to install a fake copy of an Old Master painting among real ones -- and ask the public to guess the replica.