Over affectionate fans damage wax Justin Bieber
Too much attention has clearly had a devastating effect on him. So much so that now, they're putting young Justin Bieber away forever....
Too much attention has clearly had a devastating effect on him. So much so that now, they're putting young Justin Bieber away forever.
Ever since Mr. Bieber became a public figure a few years ago, he's been photographed and swooned over. That's all just par for the course. But it's the physical attention -- the hugging, the fondling, the groping -- that seem to have done the most damage. It changed him. It wrecked him. And now, all the fans who touched him maybe a little too roughly, or embraced him with a little too much fervour, must confront the truth: they're responsible for the fact that he's going away for good.
Justin Bieber's Madame Tussaud's wax figure (Photo: Getty Images)
What will happen to him now? Well, he'll never be the same again. He may even be transformed into someone else altogether. Whatever else you say about him, he's still malleable. Or there's the possibility they'll remove his limbs and head, and... Wait. It just occurred to me that I might not have mentioned that I'm talking about a wax figure of Justin Bieber being removed from Madame Tussauds New York after three years, due to damage from overly enthusiastic fans. If I'd mentioned that at the beginning, it would have changed the way you understood what I was saying.
Fans caressing Justin Bieber's wax figure in New York's Madame Tussauds (Photo: Getty Images)
Well, now that that's cleared up, you'll know what I mean when I say that the biggest difference between the real Justin Bieber and the wax one is that at least the wax one is having a private meltdown.

Justin Bieber's Madame Tussaud's wax figure (Photo: Getty Images)
What will happen to him now? Well, he'll never be the same again. He may even be transformed into someone else altogether. Whatever else you say about him, he's still malleable. Or there's the possibility they'll remove his limbs and head, and... Wait. It just occurred to me that I might not have mentioned that I'm talking about a wax figure of Justin Bieber being removed from Madame Tussauds New York after three years, due to damage from overly enthusiastic fans. If I'd mentioned that at the beginning, it would have changed the way you understood what I was saying.

Fans caressing Justin Bieber's wax figure in New York's Madame Tussauds (Photo: Getty Images)
Well, now that that's cleared up, you'll know what I mean when I say that the biggest difference between the real Justin Bieber and the wax one is that at least the wax one is having a private meltdown.