Wednesday: Steven Fletcher, Alaska Bar Bear, Ghanaian Poet Obit and more

Highlights Include:
Part One:
* Steven Fletcher. Conservative MP Steven Fletcher says he agrees with Dr. Donald Low and supports assisted suicide, but warns it's a nuanced proposal.
* Alaska Bar Bear. A bear walked into an Alaskan bar Monday night and got kicked out by a brave bartender. We speak to the bar's owner, Scott Fry.
Part Two:
* Ghanaian Poet Obit. Ghana is mourning the loss of poet and diplomat, Kofi Awoonor, who was gunned down in the Nairobi mall attack. Kwame Dawes is Kofi Awoonor's nephew. He tells us about his uncle and mentor.
* Lloyd's List Ends. It started almost 300 years ago as a notice pinned to the wall of a London coffee shop. Now, Lloyd's List, the world's oldest continuously operated newspaper, is to stop being printed on paper.
Part Three:
* Mubarak Recordings. The former ruler of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, is recorded, secretly, by his doctor. The recordings have now gone public and are causing a stir in Egypt. We hear from a New York Times reporting covering the story.
* Fairbanks Map Fail. Fairbanks International Airport is put on alert after Apple Maps starts directing lost drivers down the runway.