Levi Garber
Levi Garber is a producer with CBC Radio. You can reach him at levi.garber@cbc.ca or on Twitter at @LeviGarber
Latest from Levi Garber

Kiss the fish: Exploring the history, lore and controversy of the screech-in
I decided to get screeched in... for journalism, of course.
News -Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

2017 saw hike in serious rail, pipeline accidents, says safety board
Serious accidents involving both rail and pipeline transport of dangerous substances like crude oil and gas increased in 2017 over the previous year, according to statistics compiled by the Transportation Safety Board.
News -Politics |

Statistics Canada looking down the drain to determine levels of pot consumption
The federal government is taking a somewhat noxious approach to studying just how much pot Canadians are consuming: researching our sewage.
News -Politics |