Twitter harassment: a crime or just "trolls be trollin'?"

For our "Rageworthy" story of the week, Because News looked at the boiling cauldron of fury that is the debate over the Elliot decision. Here are the basics:
Gregory Alan Elliott was found not guilty of criminally harassing Stephanie Guthrie and Heather Reilly on Twitter over several months in 2012. The judge effectively agreed with the women that Elliott behaved badly, but ruled that because there was nothing violent or sexual in his words, they weren't criminal.
Comedian Scott Thompson thought it was a great ruling, saying that the people involved "basically disagreed with each other," and "people should get a thicker skin."
I think that democracy is healthier when there is a spirited discourse- Scott Thompson
Rebecca Northan pointed out the problem of how anonymity online allows people to say horrible things they wouldn't say to a person's face, but Scott countered that society has made it so hard for people to say what they really think that those thoughts go "underground" into comment sections and Twitter.
To hear Scott Thompson, Rebecca Northan, Kris Siddiqi and Gavin Crawford weigh in on a ruling that's dividing Canadians, listen to the audio above.