Belinda Stronach's 'Age Quencher' - the ingestible beauty product
A month supply goes for $200, but come on… can you really put a price on vitamin supplements?

Canadian entrepreneur and former politician Belinda Stronach released a line of "ingestible beauty products" that she claims gives her "an increase in her energy and a distinct glow." Host Gavin Crawford notes that she experienced something similar after breaking up with Peter Mackay.
I'm eventually going to look like a scrotum with eyes.- Gavin Crawford, on his unquenched future
And what is this electrolyte-and-protein-filled fountain of youth called? While panelists Barbara Kay and Cathy Jones had a couple of solid guesses with "Ingesti-Bull" and "Dorian Gravy," in fact it's called "Age Quencher." It was a toss up between that and "Gator-age."

A month's supply goes for $200, but come on… can you really put a price on vitamin supplements?