Your chance to win at the Oscars: Best Picture quiz

You know that friend who always seems to miss the point of the movie? He goes on and on about the story and you find yourself thinking, "What movie did you watch?"
We let that friend re-write the plot lines to some this year's Best Picture nominees.
See if you can guess which movie your dumb friend saw.
1. A mother's tough-love approach to her daughter's figure skating sets her career on a path to the Olympics and international fame.
Name that Best Picture nominee:
* click or scroll over for the answer.
2. A lonely cleaning woman's obsession with fish fingers puts a top-secret government project in peril.
Name that Best Picture nominee:
3. A pale girl tries to decide which college to attend while her family struggles at home.
Name that Best Picture nominee:
4. Life in the orchard goes awry for a young peach who experiences a rude sexual awakening in the Italian countryside.
Name that Best Picture nominee:
5. Things don't go as planned when a girl brings her new boyfriend home from college and he murders her entire family.
Name that Best Picture nominee:
6. Unqualified yachtsmen become weekend warriors as they navigate the ocean between England and France.
Name that Best Picture nominee:
7. A story of the power of advertising in the American Midwest.
Name that Best Picture nominee:
8. A stubborn prime minister refuses to negotiate as he leads his country into a war no one wanted.
Name that Best Picture nominee:
9. An overrated actress plays a liberal elite media mogul, who, with treason and fake news, jeopardizes a government just trying to do its best for the American people.
Name that Best Picture nominee:
This week Gavin Crawford quizzes Craig Lauzon, Ashley Botting and Andrew Cheng on the latest news. Subscribe to listen first.