News quiz: who talked smack in The House of Commons?

This week in Ottawa news, Bloc Quebecois MP Simon Marcil said a dirty - and very unparliamentary - word in the House of Commons. Marcil was cheesed about the Canada-EU free trade agreement and its impact on Quebec's cheese makers. (He gets REALLY upset at 00:27 - and CBC didn't bleep it):
Canadians are known for being polite, but did you know our MPs have a history of hilarious profanities? Play our game to learn: Who Talked Smack in Parliament?
1. Who uttered these unsavoury words last week: "Why does the government treat Alberta like a fart in the room that nobody wants to talk about or acknowledge?"
Watch her heated exchange here.
2. In 1971, which politician was accused of mouthing a very bad swear? The first word starts with F, the second with O. And we don't mean fried onions. Who denied it, and claimed instead to have said "fuddle duddle"?
Watch his response here.
3. Which Nova Scotia MP took John Baird to task for his gold-embossed business cards with the quip, ""Why the golden showers, Mr. Speaker?"
Watch the accusation here.
4. Which Liberal MP called then-environment minister Peter Kent a "piece of shirt" - minus the "r"?
Watch the video here.
Click the audio above and hear how our panellists Aisha Alfa, Craig Lauzon, and Tom Howell fared in this week's news quiz.