Gavin's mom learns how to subscribe to our podcast (featuring Cathy Jones)

It's way easier than programming a VCR, we swear!
1) Go to
2) Click "podcast" (on the top right, next to the Facebook button… no Mom, you're not on Facebook this is a website)
3) Click an option under "subscribe" (I don't know what RSS means Mom, just click on the iTunes button)
4) In iTunes, click on "Subscribe" (it's right under Gavin's face Mom… on the left side… the LEFT side… WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T SEE IT IT'S RIGHT THERE!!!)
1) Open iTunes
2) Search for "Because News CBC" (the search bar is on the top right corner, check the results under the "iTunes Store" tab)
3) Click on the Because News podcast button (no Mom, NOT the episodes, scroll down until you see the big button with Gavin's face on it)
4) Click on "Subscribe" (Mom, I already explained this above! JUST PUT DAD ON!)
And there you go. Our show will be uploaded to your device, even before it airs on radio.