Want a grandchild? Send your adult children on a 'hump-cation'

A Danish travel company launched an unusual ad campaign this week.
Using the tagline "Do it for Denmark, Do it for Mom," the ad targets parents, telling them to send their adult child on an active holiday, "and get a grandchild in 9 months."
According to this commercial, which offers no scientific evidence to back up their claims, couples have 51 per cent more sex while on active sunny vacations.
Apparently campers have two per cent less sex than normal (sorry Algonquin Park campers).
I would like to have grandchildren … but I'm not going that far as to send them on a holiday. They can damn well do it at home.- Eric Peterson
Would you do it for mom?
Because News host Gavin Crawford asked panelists Eric Peterson, Leslie Seiler and Arthur Simeon if they'd take a free vacation knowing they'd be expected to deliver grand-children nine months later.
"I wouldn't feel guilty, because my parents paid for my education and I promised them I'd become a responsible human being and instead I became a comedian. They're used to this already," said Simeon.
'Turn up the thermostat!'
Eric Peterson already has adult children and admitted he's conflicted about the idea.
"I would like to have grandchildren. I just turned 69 and you know that urge to have a baby in your arms again, but I'm not going that far as to send them on a holiday. They can damn well do it at home," he said.
"Turn up the thermostat!"
Would you take a 'hump-cation' from your parents? Or if you're the parent of an adult child, would you pay for a vacation to encourage them to make babies? Take our poll.