Blue Jays player or Green Party candidate: who's who?
Can you tell your Blue Jay players and Green Party candidates apart?

It just seems like the Blue Jays are just showing off. A score like 15-2? That's a basketball score.
The Jays clinched their division title on Wednesday, and are headed into post-season play. Lots of people are coming out of the woodwork to claim they're Blue Jays fans.
Can you tell your Blue Jay players from your Green Party candidates? Have a listen to audio to see if you can beat our panelists.
Roll the mouse over (or tap if you're on a touch screen) the image to find out if the person is batting for the Green Team or the Blue Team, then click the link below to see the answer.
Darwin Barney: green team or blue team?
Calvin Orok: green team or blue team?
Find out which team Orok is on here.
Jose Nunez-Melo: green team or blue team?
Is he a baseball player or a politician? Find out here.
Bradford Dean: green team or blue team?
Matt Hague: green team or blue team?
Click here to find whose roster he's on.