Is Kim Davis #rageworthy?
This week, the Internet's pitchforks were pitched Kim Davis, a county clerk in Kentucky who was jailed for refusing to hand out marriage licences to same-sex couples.
"God's moral law conflicts with my job duties," Davis told U.S. District Judge David Bunning.
Bunning ordered Davis to jail, saying fines alone wouldn't change her mind.
"I myself have genuinely held religious beliefs," Bunning said, but, "I took an oath."
"Mrs. Davis took an oath," he added. "Oaths mean things."

Is this story worth our rage?
"Sometimes this level of outrage just froths up other people and now she's going to make a lot of money on speaking circuits because she's kind of a martyr," said Because News host Gavin Crawford.
"This woman, I think she's just come down on the wrong side of history," weighed in writer David Eddie.
"I feel like it's kind of rage-necessary," added comedian Rebecca Kohler.
"On the other hand, at least this woman stands up for what she believes in and if she believes in being a diaper of a human being, then power to her."
What do you think? Is the story #rageworthy? Take our poll.
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