How has COVID-19 affected your summer plans?
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The May long weekend, as most of us know it, remains cancelled. And it will be a long time before people start packing into public social spaces like they used to.
The list of cancellations goes on and on: the Calgary Stampede, Winnipeg and Edmonton's folk festivals, and several Pride parades.
Access to parks, pools, recreation centres and playgrounds isn't looking so good. As for non-essential vacation travel, that's iffy too — exacerbated by massive layoffs at Canada's largest airlines.
Our question this week: How has COVID-19 affected your summer plans?
Plus: Are you taking this lockdown as a chance to become an amateur gardener? Are you thinking about growing some vegetables in your backyard, or on your balcony, to help ease up on the produce runs to the grocery store?
Don't miss our gardening Ask Me Anything with Brian Minter and Marjorie Harris.