How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed you?
The National's Adrienne Arsenault guest hosts Checkup this Sunday

For better or worse, many of us would say our outlook on life is different now than it was just a few months ago.
According to CBC News, Canada has over 118,000 confirmed and presumptive COVID-19 cases, with 9,004 deaths. Friends and families of loved ones have been forced to cope as physical distancing rules prevent traditional funerals and mourning rituals.
Canada's economy is slowly recovering, but according to Statistics Canada there are still 1.3 million fewer jobs compared to pre-pandemic levels.
Thousands are working from home, while other workplaces like bars and medical offices are being reconfigured to follow new physical distancing guidelines.
And schools will reopen in the fall, but kids will find many changes awaiting them.
Many of these changes have taken a toll on people's mental health. Yet some have described silver linings.
Maybe it's brought communities or neighbours closer together. It may also have spurred some to discover a new hobby like running, baking or gardening.
Our question this week: How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed you?
Plus, our Ask Me Anything segment will tackle your questions about vaccines: How soon until we get one? And will it bring things back to "normal?"