How is Canada doing when it comes to tackling racism?
A tweet from U.S. President Donald Trump suggesting a group of Democrat congresswomen of colour 'go back' to the places from 'which they came' ignited a firestorm this week. But how are we doing north of the border when it comes to race issues?
Pres. Donald Trump tweeted to Democrat women to 'go back' from the places they came

"Why don't they go back and help fix the broken, crime infested places from which they came?"
That was a tweet from U.S. President Donald Trump referring to a group of Democrat congresswomen of colour who have been critical about immigration detention centres at the U.S.-Mexico border.
The comment ignited a firestorm earlier this week.
Justin Trudeau says statements like Trump's are not how we approach issues in Canada, but stopped short of calling them racist.
"The comments made were hurtful, wrong and completely unacceptable," the prime minister told reporters this week.
Our question this week: How is Canada doing when it comes to tackling racism?