Saturday special: How has COVID-19 disrupted your life?
Life has changed dramatically for many Canadians because of the COVID-19 pandemic. On a special Saturday edition of Checkup, our expert panel will answer your questions about money, medical concerns, relationships and parenting in this period of social distancing and quarantine.

Today: A bonus Saturday Q&A edition of Cross Country Checkup.
Life has changed dramatically for many Canadians because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Schools, restaurants and bars are have closed. People are being encouraged to work from home.
Health authorities are encouraging social distancing measures that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said could last weeks, or even months.
Our question on a special Saturday edition of Checkup: How has COVID-19 disrupted your life?
Plus, our expert panel will answer your questions about money, medical concerns, relationships and parenting in this period of social distancing and quarantine.