Should assisted suicide be a legal option?

Assisting suicide: Suicide has long been considered something to fight against, but a growing majority of Canadians want an exception made for people who are suffering terminal illness and want help to end their lives. A case before the Supreme Court might make it possible.
What do you think?
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The issue has been in and out of the courts over the past few years and has been the subject of private members bills in Parliament. The province of Quebec has already moved to allow assisted suicide under certain circumstances. Several cases in Canada have become high profile through the media and served as examples for those who hope the law can be changed across the country. Other jurisdictions in Europe such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland well as five U.S. states (Oregon, Washington, Montana, Vermont, and New Mexico) have changed their laws to make it easier for the critically ill to end their lives. Some cases there have served as examples for those who feel such an option is troublesome and dangerous.
Two decades ago, Canada's Supreme Court upheld the law that defines assisted suicide as murder, punishable by up to 14 years in prison.
Today the world is a different place. Medical science has the capacity to prolong life long past the time it would have previously been considered over. The generational demographic bulge we call the Baby Boomers is now dealing with aging parents and all that entails ...and they are facing down their own mortality with understandable concern.
Our question today: "Should assisted suicide be a legal option?"
I'm Rex Murphy ...on CBC Radio One ...and on Sirius XM , satellite radio channel 169 ...this is Cross Country Checkup.
André Picard
Health reporter and columnist at The Globe and Mail.
Twitter: @picardonhealth
Father Raymond De Souza
Chaplain at the Newman House chaplaincy at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario; National Post columnist; editor in chief of Convivium magazine.
Twitter: @fatherdesouza
Dr. James Downar
Critical Care and Palliative Care Physician at the University Health Network in Toronto. Assistant Professor, Divisions of Critical Care and Palliative Care, University of Toronto.
Twitter: @jamesdownar
Dr. Susan MacDonald
Medical director of palliative care for Eastern Health, St John's, Newfoundland. President of the Canadian Society of Palliative Care Physicians
- Assisted suicide 'a last resort' for some, Supreme Court told
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- How 20 years has changed the debate over assisted suicide (Mar. 9, 2013)
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National Post
- Assisted suicide case begins at Supreme Court of Canada: 'No one wants to die if living is better'
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- John Moore: Don't tell me how to die
- Jonathan Kay: Why my generation will be the one to enshrine the right to assisted suicide
- Matt Gurney: Canadians think that it's time to legalize assisted suicide. Let's hope the court sees it our way
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Globe and Mail
- Nine things to know about the Supreme Court's assisted suicide case
- Our laws have not kept pace with Canadian views on assisted death, by André Picard
- Parliamentary delinquency on assisted suicide, by Robert Leckey
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- Christianity and the good death, by Lorna Dueck
- Assisted suicide: It happens, but in a grey legal area, by David Butt
- A suicide note that should be read by everyone, by Gary Mason
- Quebec first province to adopt right-to-die legislation (Jun. 5, 2014)
- Editorial: The collision course that may lead to change on assisted suicide
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- The Supreme Court confronts assisted suicide, again
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Royal Society